(這是一篇在台灣住過兩年多的瑞士人辛為德寫的文章,他講的話很直接,當然也不會好聽到哪裡去,如果你也認同他所說的,請自由轉貼分享吧!)(This is an article written by a Swiss, who lived in Taiwan for more than 2 years. What he said in this article is really direct, so of course it won't be so pleasing to the ear, but if you also agree with him, please feel free to SHARE it! )
As a Swiss man who lived in Taiwan for more than 2 years, I have something to say to Taiwan
I already know most people who should read these words won’t read them. For the last few days I have followed the situation in Taiwan. I have seen young students getting interested in Taiwan’s politics… finally!
These first words go to the Taiwanese Government, which sadly will never read them, not to mention care about them. Taiwan wants be an independent “democratic” country, but you, the Taiwanese Government, don’t listen to the citizens at all. You don’t care about the human rights in your own country. You force police officers to hit their children. You send messages to the hospital saying they should prepare rooms for victims of the police, who are fighting with batons and shields against unarmed protesters! Taiwan is a small country in a big world, yet the government and president have no respect for their own population. How can you expect anyone else in the world to have respect for a country like Taiwan? Have any one of you thought about a little more than just lining his pockets and earning his salary? You have a responsibility to lead the country, and not destroy it with unnecessary violence!
Then to my favorites, the two political parties. The only thing you guys can do is play like 5 year old kids, fighting and bickering with each other. Have even one of you any interest in what’s really going on in politics or Taiwan? I seriously doubt it. Fighting with fists during a meeting... how ridiculous is that? It seems the only interest you guys have is how much money is in your pockets, and how to best insult the other party. We have 5 big political parties in Switzerland, and of course there are always differences between left and right, but they can still talk with each other. Sometimes they are loud, sometimes quiet, but most important is that they respect each other, and are even sometimes in agreement with the others' points of view. The only thing I can say is: shame on you! Shame on you and grow up, quickly! You are acting like you're in kindergarten!
Next, to the parents of those young students. Where are you? What are you doing? Are you sitting at home in front of the TV watching what those reckless students are doing? Maybe you remember, once, around 70 years ago, it was YOUR parents fighting for your freedom and for your liberty against the Chinese government in Taiwan’s Capital, where several tens of thousands of people lost their lives for your future. How can you guys sit now on your lazy bottoms and not care for the future of your children? They are fighting for Taiwan’s future and getting injured by the government's police force. You really should feel deeply shamed for not caring at all! You should be the ones getting hit by the police, punished by the government for not caring about Taiwan for the last 30 years! You are no better than your president- ignorant, blind and deaf. Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you!
At last, to you Taiwanese youngsters: don’t give up! Gather together, agitate them, hold against them, but don’t use violence, even when they use it. You are NOT like them. You are better than them. Stay strong and endure it. They can’t strike you down so easily. The longer you hold on, the more people will come to support you, from everywhere, the world is starting to listen. Scream louder until everyone can hear you! Never give up!!!
Feel free to post it, share it, print it, and spread it out!
作者:辛為德(Christoph Schindler)
譯者:Ice(Ice in Switzerland部落格版主)
我終於有時間回應大家了。我就是寫這篇文章的人。我是瑞士人,今年三十四歲,我的名字是Christoph Schindler。然後天哪,56000人讀過這篇文章,超過13000人按讚……
(註:作者回文時間為2014/03/27 05:58),這遠遠超過我的預期。謝謝所有將我的想法分享出去的人,至於所有批評我的人,我尊重你們的意見,但這並不代表我同意你們。
確實,我對台灣並不像我對自己的國家那麼了解。但在瑞士這裡,就像在台灣一樣,是被允許說出自己想法的。所以那些認為我應該閉嘴的人,請忽略這篇文章,無須拘束,而不要禁止我表達我的意見。其中一位(留言者)比較了瑞士與台灣,這個人甚至買了瑞士手錶。我得說,非常謝謝你對我們(國家)商品的信賴且促進(註:原文為支持)我們的經濟。我可以告訴你,我待在台灣的期間也買了很多台灣商品,舉例來說,像是捷安特腳踏車及富力特羽球拍。另外也順帶一提,瑞士警察的英文可能很糟糕,但是跟台灣警察相比,至少他們的英文能力還存在。如果你想談論瑞士,請儘管與我聯絡,我很願意與另外一位台灣人分享一些文化上的差 異。但這些絕對跟台灣目前的情況一點關係都沒有。
是啊,我並不知道台灣所有完整的歷史。我知道,台灣曾經數次被荷蘭人、西班牙人、日本人和中國人佔領。這對台灣人來說一點都不容易,同樣地要台灣成為一個獨 立且成功的國家也不容易。中國仍然認為台灣是他們的一個省,而且許多世界上那些太懼怕中國的國家,並不接受台灣是一個獨立國家。但台灣想成為一個獨立的國家,為此,台灣一定得和中國擁有良好的關係且不受他們的控制。為此,你們的政府需要非常好,我指的是真的非常好的談判技巧。因為(你們的)經濟得像現在一 樣運作。
有些人提到台灣的自由,並認為這些學生以他們無用的抗議打擾了你們平凡安寧的日子。讓我們來看看如果他們沉默了會發生什麼事?這個兩岸服務貿易協議生效。這代表,台灣媒體有可能被中國管制,以後再也沒有任何國際新聞。中國可能管制網路,以後再也沒有臉書、Google、 推特,和其他商業性的社群網路。中國可能控制你們的商業。未來將會有許多中國公司在你們國家,有許多薪資低廉的中國勞工,台灣將出現更多失業者,因為台灣公司在國際市場上將失去競爭力。但除了很小一塊地區以外,中國其實也不會讓台灣在整個中國擴張他們的公司。對我來說,目前看起來像是那些正在抗議的學生是 唯一真正了解兩岸服貿對台灣經濟的意義。
但怎麼會學生還得再次抗議呢?(譯者補充:台灣之前也有其他的抗議活動)台灣怎麼可能會只有兩個只對互相拳打腳踢感興趣的重要政黨呢?一個帶了智慧型手機的 士兵怎麼會被謀殺呢(我是故意用「謀殺」這個字的)?政府怎麼可能會趁著人民為自己的家奮鬥時,為了延伸科學園區而拆除人民的房子呢?政府怎麼可能會建造一個有可能在第一次啟動就爆炸的核電廠,而且還堅持這樣做,使得數百萬人民的生命遭受危險呢?應該保護人民脫離暴力的警察怎麼可能會把手無寸鐵的抗議者打癱呢?
作者:辛為德(Christoph Schindler)
Thanks to all those readers. Special thanks to those, which give me critical but constructive answer. I know, my article is direct and offensive, I did this on purpose. Unfortunately you just get attention if you use a little bit stronger words. Sadly I’ve to ignore all posts which are rude or not essential, because is just wasting time, not just yours also mine. But negative and critical answers show me, that I still get some people attention which I wrote this for.
Quickly to those which compare Taiwan with Switzerland. First, we have a unique form of democracy, a direct one. This means, everything what the government wants to do, has to be voted by the population. One of you who answered just said, that the government said “yes” to the initiative about the foreigners in our country, I’ve to correct you, the government actually didn’t want to, but the population while voting said yes! Now our government has to solve this problem with the European Union. Furthermore, I never said our country is perfect, I never said, we don’t have problem here. But, Switzerland is NOT the topic right now, we talk about Taiwan! I count Taiwan as my second home, so it’s also in my interest, that Taiwan stays a beautiful, peaceful and nice country, with less corruption and good work conditions. I don’t know if I’ll go back to Taiwan one day, to stay there and get old. So, why it’s not allowed to care about this country too, even if I’m a foreigner?
Yes, I didn’t read the free trade agreement, that was a mistake, I agree with you. But sure is, it won’t make Taiwan’s economy better. As long as Taiwan is in most countries not accepted as an independent country, Taiwan needs a good relationship with China, this for sure, but not unconditionally! Because too many companies aren’t competitive in the international market. But this demonstration got a much bigger meaning than just this free trade agreement. The younger generation wants to be “accepted” in the government and politics as voice too. It has been a long time that the older generation didn’t respect the youngsters as a part of the Taiwanese future (I talk about politics). I often heard students say, “if I want to talk with my dad about politics, he just said: I’m too young, I don’t have experience and knowledge about politics. Students are stupid and can’t do anything else than study. They are still kids without feeling for trade, politics, or business.” Fact is, more and more students are interested in politics, and this is important. So why not listen to them too, and give those words some respect, maybe they are not that wrong! Young people have sometimes “fresh ideas”!
Sure, occupy the parliament shouldn’t be the way to get attention, is breaking a law, but sometimes is it necessary to use extraordinaire ways in special situations (this doesn’t means, that I’m blindly agree with everything). In Switzerland, as example, this won’t be possible (someone mention about it). But in Switzerland you also need permission for demonstration; otherwise you will already break the law. If the police catch you, at least you’ll have a crime record. This depends on how heavy the contravention is. But it is definitely not allowed for the police to use randomly force to stop a demonstration. It always has to be comparative with the situation. That means, if the protesters are unarmed and do not attack the police, the police is not allowed to use force like the batons and shield to hit the protesters. It’s allowed to carry them away, without using unnecessary force. If the protesters are attacking the police, they are also allowed to use heavier tools to against the protesters (like water gun, rubber bullet and so on). I saw on the news in Taiwan, most officers did it right and carry them away without use more force than necessary. But I have one question, why sometimes the police forced the reporters to leave the demonstration, if they are not going to break the law too? And if I remember right, it wasn’t the students which destroyed the facility; it was the police while breaking into the parliament…
Because of Taiwan’s situation, in this two years I saw a lot of things happen which makes me sad and misunderstanding. The government can destroy buildings, people demonstrate and it changed nothing. As soldier died, 250’000 thousand people where on the street for demonstration because of murdered by the army. The government said the culprits will be punished by the law. The protesters went home and believe in the power of the executive. But none of those which was responsible was convicted seriously for manslaughter, because all proofs were afterwards destroyed or disappeared in a mysterious way. My question right now is, how could this happen in Taiwan? Why people don’t care about things like this more seriously? I guess this is the reason why a lot of students went to Taipei too! And that’s why I support them…
Feel free to discuss this with me, you also can contact me by FB if you like, my name is Christoph Schindler (辛為德), but stay constructive instead of just insulting me in a rude way, otherwise you won’t get any answer…